What are the school hours?
Students will be supervised from 8:25am and classes begin promptly at 8:40am.
Recess is from 10:50am until 11:15am and Lunch is from 1:15pm until 1:50pm.
The School Day finishes at 2:50pm.
8.25am is the arrival time. Students who arrive after 8.40am are expected to enter the school via the front office to receive a late note.
When are school assemblies held?
School assemblies at Castletown Primary School are a wonderful opportunity for our school community to come together. Assemblies take place in the Undercover Area approximately every three weeks. To stay updated on assembly dates, please refer to the school newsletter or check the School Calendar or Term Planner.
How do I apply for enrolment at Castletown Primary School?
Castletown Primary School warmly accepts enrolments throughout the year. Whether you prefer to visit the school in person or contact us by email/phone we are ready to assist you.
When enrolling your child, please ensure you provide a copy of their birth certificate and immunisation record. We also require proof of address e.g. current bill at address. For children arriving from overseas, a passport is essential to determine visa details.
Children in Pre-Primary to Year Six who reside within the school’s boundaries are guaranteed a place at Castletown Primary School.
In cases where the number of enrolment applications exceeds available placements, the school follows The School Education Regulations to prioritise enrolments.
Castletown Primary School has a defined local intake area for enrolments. However, we may also consider accepting children from outside these areas based on factors such as placement availability, staffing, and conversations between the relevant Principals.
Does my child need to be vaccinated?
All children attending our school need to be vaccinated as part of our school Enrolment Policy.
There are exemptions that are available as set out W.A. Health Department, more information here.
My child has allergies, what do I need to provide to the school?
When enrolling your child, it’s essential to provide all relevant information to ensure their safety while under the school’s care. Additionally, you may be asked for additional details to create a Medical Plan specifically tailored for your child.
Regarding severe food allergies, if any students are identified as having allergies to certain foods (such as nuts), the school will kindly request families to avoid sending products containing those allergens to school. It is important to note that schools cannot guarantee a complete “Nut Free Zone” due to their reliance on the cooperation of families in adhering to these requests.
Castletown Primary School prioritises the well-being of every student and appreciates the collaborative effort between families and the school community.
What happens if students are absent?
If your child will be absent it is recommended that you contact the school before 9am. Parents have a choice of emailing, calling or messaging the office.
(08) 90762800
Via the Online Absentee Form on our website or through the Updat-ed App
Written and dated note sent in via your child
For extended planned absence please complete an absence request form.
What happens if my child is sick at school?
At Castletown Primary School, we truly appreciate your support in prioritising your child’s health.
We encourage parents to keep sick children at home. Rest and recovery are essential for their overall well-being.
For minor injuries that occur at school, our caring staff promptly attend to them. We believe in creating a safe environment where children feel supported.
Whenever an injury or illness requires further attention, we will promptly contact parents. Your involvement is crucial in ensuring the best care for your child.
Please keep your contact information up to date. In times of need, we rely on accurate details to reach parents or emergency contacts swiftly.
Together we create a nurturing and responsive community for our students.
How does someone not on my child’s pickup list collect my child?
Permission must be given to the front office from the primary carer on 90762800.
Does the school have EFTPOS?
Yes. The school office will accept cash, bank transfer and we have EFTPOS facilities available.
At what age does my child attend Kindergarten?
Children in Western Australia can (though not compulsory) begin their education in Kindergarten. The following year, Pre-primary marks the start of compulsory schooling.
If you reside within our intake area, it’s crucial to enrol your child before the specified date to secure a place in Kindergarten for the year 2025. Enrolments received after this deadline will be considered if there are available spots.
If the school reaches full capacity, your child will be placed on a waitlist. Alternatively, you can explore enrolment options at other local schools that may have availability.
For details on when your child can start school, we recommend using the Department of Education’s School Age Calculator. It’s a helpful tool to determine the right time for your child’s educational journey.
How do parents book a meeting with the Principal/ Deputy?
Please contact the front office either by phone or email and request for a meeting.
How are children placed in classes?
Classes are determined after taking into consideration a number of factors – abilities, gender, behaviour issues, special needs. Our teachers engage in discussions to thoughtfully place children into classes. We also ask students to list other students that they work well with (this is different to who their friends are).
If you have specific educational reasons for class preferences, a formal written request to the Principal is essential. The request must be made prior to the date advised each year in the newsletter. We appreciate your understanding that not all requests can be automatically accommodated. Requests for a specific teacher will not be considered.
Ultimately, our goal is to strike the right balance, ensuring that every child thrives academically and socially and classes are fair for all.
Do you have mixed aged classes?
Each year there is likely to be mixed aged classes. The composition of classes depends on the number of students enrolled in each year level. Ideally, we aim for one year level per class. If there aren’t enough students to form a complete class from a single year level, we create mixed-age classes. These classes may include students from adjacent year levels.
It’s important to note that schools receive funding based on the total number of enrolled students, regardless of how many are in each specific year level.
Are students placed into Factions?
Students are placed into one of four Factions which are Boodja (green), Maar (yellow), Kaarl (red) and Kepa (blue).
When and where is breakfast club held?
Breakfast Club is held every day from 8.00am - 8.35am in the Pastoral Care Room.
Are hats compulsory?
NO Hat, NO Play! Children are required to wear a hat all year round for outdoor activities. Sun damage is common in our Australian climate: The regular use of broad spectrum SPF30+ sunscreen is also recommended.
Is there a school swimming program?
Swimming plays a vital role in our Physical Education curriculum at Castletown Primary School. Children are grouped based on their ability levels. This ensures that each student can progress at their own pace while developing water safety and survival skills. We conduct our swimming sessions at the Bay of Isles Leisure Centre with the aim of providing a ten-day swimming program to our students from Years PP – Year 6.
What plans do you have for 2024?
We currently have several projects that we are currently focusing on.
The development of
Does the School have a ‘Bring Your Own Device’ program?
Castletown Primary School does not have a BYOD program. Our school has an ICT purchasing plan to provide digital devices for our students to use at school at a ratio of 1:2.
© 2024 Castletown Primary School