School Surveys

2020 School Survey Result Summary


We recently sent the annual School Survey out to parents, teachers and students.  This year, there were an additional three questions in the parent survey related to the Specialist Subjects taught to students, the Christian Religious Education program run at school and the School Creed.  The results of this survey were shared with our School Board last week and our staff this week.  We also chose to do a modified version of the student survey with our Kindy-Year 4 students as well.



Number of Participants

Parent Survey


Staff Survey


Online Student Survey


Paper Student Survey



In our 2020-2022 Business Plan one of our targets was: The National School Opinion Survey results are positive for students, parents and staff (mean scores of at least 4 out of 5 for each).

Our Parent Survey met this target for 2020.


Below is a chart of the average rating for each question by our parents.



The top 3 Parent responses were:


This school is well led


I can talk to my child’s teachers about my concerns


Teachers at this school expect my child to do their best

My child feels safe at this school

My child likes being at this school

I would recommend this school to others

Teachers at this school care about my child


The three lowest rated statements were:


Student behaviour at this school is well managed.

Teachers at this school provide my child with useful feedback


My child is making good progress at this school

My child’s learning needs are being met at this school.

This school has a strong relationship with the local community


This school is well maintained

This school works with me to support my child’s learning


 It is pleasing to see that even though these are our lowest 3 rated statements, they are still meeting our School Business Plan target of at least 4 out of 5. All, but one statement, have increased and the one that didn’t increase - Teachers at this school provide my child with useful feedback remained at 4.0. 


Significant changes in this survey compared to our previous survey in 2018 include:

  • 1.1 increase in This school is well led
  • 0.8 increase in I would recommend this school to others
  • 0.7 increase in This school takes parents’ opinions seriously


Regarding the Specialist Subjects – Parents identified that the 6 highest rated subjects were

  1. STEM
  2. Science
  3. Physical Education
  4. Humanities and Social Science
  5. Digital Technologies and
  6. Information Technologies


Parents were also asked about the Christian Religious Education Program that is run at the school and their thoughts on what they believe is the best fit for their children.  A final question was regarding our School Creed and the use of the terms “Love of God” and “Amen” in the creed.

The graphs below show the responses to these 2 questions.



These two items have been taken to our School Board to discuss.


Our Teacher’s survey results also met our School Business plan target of mean scores of at least 4 out of 5.


The top 3 rated statements were:


This school looks for ways to improve

This school is well led


This school takes staff opinions seriously

I would recommend this school to others

Teachers at this school care about their students


Students feel safe at this school

Teachers at this school are great teachers


The 3 lowest-rated statements were:


I receive useful feedback about my work at this school


Teachers at this school provide students with useful feedback


This school has a strong relationship with the local community


Of the 22 statements that teachers rated, 19 of them have increased, 1 has stayed the same (Parents at this school can talk to teachers about their concerns – 4.4) and 2 have seen a decrease from the same statements in 2018 - Teachers at this school expect students to do their best decreased from 4.7 to 4.3 and Teachers at this school provide students with useful feedback decreased from 4.3 to 4.1.


Significant changes from 2018 include:

  • 1.8 increase in This School is well led.
  • 1.6 increase in This School takes staff opinions seriously.
  • 1.4 increase in Staff are well supported in this school.
  • 1.3 increase in This school is well maintained.


Regarding our Online Student Survey for Year 5-6 students the results for all but one statement met the School Business Plan target of mean of at least 4 out of 5.  The one that didn’t was 3.9 for I can talk to my teachers about my concerns.


The top 3 rated statements in the Student Survey were:


My teachers expect me to do my best

My teachers are good teachers


My school is well maintained

My school looks for ways to improve

My teachers motivate me to learn


Teachers at my school treat students fairly

I like being at my school

My school gives me opportunities to do interesting things

My teachers care about me


The lowest 3 rated statements in the Student Survey were:


I can talk to my teachers about my concerns


My school takes students’ opinions seriously


Student behaviour is well managed at my school


Once again, all means for the statements have increase but one – My teachers expect me to do my best – which has remained the same at 4.5.


Significant changes from the 2018 survey include:

  • 0.8 increase in Student behaviour is well managed at my school.
  • 0.6 increase in My school takes students’ opinions seriously
  • 0.5 increase in I like being at my school.


In our Year 1-4 Paper survey students were asked 16 questions to which they could respond Always, Sometimes and Never.  The results of this survey showed:


Our Kindy/Pre-Primary students were asked 5 simple yes/no questions.  The results from this survey are displayed below:



As this is our first time surveying these students we don’t have any information to compare against but it provides us with a general overview of how our students are feeling about their school.

© 2024 Castletown Primary School